
Post Creation


UI Designer, Interaction Designer


Web, Prototyping

Post Creation is one of the most important parts of our product and one of the first pieces of the Imgur product to step into [Brand 3.0](/brand-3). Along with it came updates to the UX flow, migration from a legacy platform, as well as a visual update.
Among the features we updated, one important one was the post button. We noticed some private files such as passport photos, drivers licenses etc. would occasionally show up on the public gallery. To protect against this we updated the post flow with clearer messaging and an option to finish or restart the upload flow when a user has uploaded a private file.
Internally, this project was also a kick off to our largest design systemization updates. Our engineering team had begun rebuilding the platform and moving away from PHP. From here, we started to narrow down and smoothen out our most fundamental pieces of UI. Pieces like our Toast, Tags, Buttons and Modals were redone and redistributed among the team. The result has been a more consistent visual experience for our Brand 3.0-ized parts of the product.
Upon releasing this update to the public we saw no decline in upload usage, as well as a sharp dip in unwanted private file sharing. The feedback we received from our power users group was also great! They especially enjoyed the small animations we threw in between everything.